Friday, July 19, 2013

GOP (And Others) Still Denying or Ignoring Global Warming

I have not given up hope, but I’m beginning to think that the GOP and certain other politicians would rather die than to acknowledge global warming.
According to this story on NPR, there is a great amount of support for a federal carbon tax. A carbon tax is one of the most effective and simplest means of reducing CO2 emissions. Everything that a company or a person uses as a fuel that throws carbon up in the air—diesel, coal, gasoline, natural gas, etc.—would have a tax. The tax would be based on how much carbon that particular fuel would put in the atmosphere. Coal would have a higher tax rate than, say, natural gas, because it makes more carbon dioxide than natural gas when it is burned. At a recent Senate panel considering a carbon tax, however, GOP members disputed that global warming is even happening.

The Keeling Curve from Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Average Temperature by Decade
This is the science, ignore it at your peril.

And Joe Manchin, a Democrat but one from the coal producing state of West Virginia, was the only Democrat to vote against the confirmation of Gina McCarthy to head the EPA. McCarthy, a highly qualified public administrator who has worked for both Democrats and Republicans, was confirmed after the Senate reached a deal averting the “nuclear option” and ending the GOP filibuster that had been holding up her confirmation. Explaining his vote, Manchin actually praised McCarthy, saying:

In fact, it’s not hard to imagine that she could have been nominated to be EPA Administrator by Mitt Romney if he had won the 2012 Presidential election. After all, she advised him on climate change when he was Governor of Massachusetts.

As Ken Ward of the Charleston Gazette points out, Manchin, while he is railing against the EPA and espousing a “common sense” approach to energy policy, completely leaves out any mention or consideration of global warming and greenhouse gasses.

Today's GOP: "Please just make that horrible science and nasty global warming go away!"

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