Monday, June 24, 2013

The Immigration Reform Bill in Congress Throws the Environment Under the Bus

The word is that Democrats are on board to pass a reform bill with a “path to citizenship” for folks who presently lack legal immigration status. The Grand Old Party has its doubts about the legislation. To pull in enough of their votes for passage the Corker-Hoeven Amendment was added to the bill. This is the “border security” bit of the law that would add 20,000 more border patrol agents (a total that could place a border patrol agent along the U.S. Mexico border every 500 feet), 700 more miles of walls and fences, plus cameras, lights, drones, and a whole bunch of stuff that makes our southern border resemble some sort of latter day Maginot Line.
            To get GOP votes, I guess they figured that they also had to throw the environment under the bus. The bill would open up federal lands to motorized patrols, meaning that the Border Patrol could drive their jeeps and trucks over federally protected lands anywhere they wanted, and that they can build communications, surveillance, and detection equipment on these lands. The law stipulates the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements according to NEPA for these activities. These EISs, however, “shall not control, delay, or restrict actions by the Secretary to achieve effective control on Federal lands.”
So, in essence, go ahead and prepare the EIS, just don’t let it get in the way of driving your Border Patrol jeep anywhere you want, and you don’t have to pay attention to those geese and tortoises whose nests you have just trampled on. There has already been a great deal of environmental damage because of the border buildup; we don't need more of the same. According to the govtrack website, however, the bill has only a 27 percent chance of passage, so I’m only slightly concerned.
Dont' let the geese and tortoises get in the way of your Border Patrol jeep

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