Friday, August 31, 2012

Mitt Romney's Acceptance Speech Gets Cheers When It Comes to Accepting Global Warming

This is only a portion of Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech from Thursday night. In less than two minutes, and mostly using political code words such as “protect the sanctity of life” and “honor the institution of marriage,” The GOP nominee touches on themes meant to fire up the base of the GOP: taxes, gay marriage and abortion. You would think that any of his pledges on these hot button issues would bring the house down.
            It is when he gets to the environment and its protection, saying, “President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet . . . My promise is to help you and your family,” that the crowd in the convention hall is truly electrified.
This is big crazy if ever there was big crazy. As I’ve pointed out before, this has been going on with the Grand Old Party for over 30 years, politicizing the environment. It is nonetheless surprising—and I have to admit, a little scary, too—to see an entire convention of people cheering on the warming planet, the rising oceans, and a political system that is incapable and unwilling to do anything about it.

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