Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Thank God For Pope Francis

A big thumbs up for the pope

This is big. Really big. In anticipation of his upcoming encyclical on global warming, Pope Francis held a summit meeting yesterday called “Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity: The Moral Dimensions of Climate Change and Sustainable Development,”
So often when I hear people talk about global warming, what is put forward are technological fixes, everything from switching to hybrid cars to turning the oceans into mechanisms to sequester vast amounts of the carbon that we’ve thrown up in the atmosphere. We certainly need to consider and implement some of these technology changes. Driving a Prius is better than driving a gas-guzzler.
            But technology alone will not get us out of the corner that we have painted ourselves into. For what has driven all of our tech advances since the birth of the industrial revolution is the consumption of resources. That’s what the whole paradigm is all about. Technology cannot save us from technology.
            What the pope is calling for to save us and our planet is a change in our spirit. One top Vatican official, Cardinal Peter Turkson, said during the meeting that a “full conversion” of hearts and minds is necessary to solving the problem of global warming. He is right. Turkson went on to say:

In our recklessness, we are traversing some of the planet’s most fundamental natural boundaries. And the lesson from the Garden of Eden still rings true today: pride, hubris, self-centeredness are always perilous, indeed destructive. The very technology that has brought great reward is now poised to bring great ruin.

As long as we are geared and programed to consume and have the hubris that blinds us to the effects of our actions we will continue to warm the world. And this message is not just something for Catholics or just for Christians. Jewish,Muslim, Protestant, Buddhist and Hindu leaders accompanied the pope at the meeting today.

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