Saturday, August 3, 2013

Big Crazy: ALF Steals Some Pheasants and the FBI Calls It Terrorism

This just happened a bit north of where I live, up in Riverside. In the last couple of weeks a couple who raises pheasants for commercial sale to hunters had their farm broken into by members of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) who the stole or released more than a dozen of the prized birds. The theft of the birds and vandalism of the property is being investigated by the FBI as an act of terrorism.
            That’s right, terrorism. As far as the FBI is concerned, this break-in performed with some wire cutters is on par with pressure cooker bombs killing people in Boston and airliners being flown into skyscrapers.
            I certainly have no patience for ALF. Though I can respect their beliefs about animals, and sometimes agree with their valuation of the lives of animals, I think that by taking part in blatantly illegal and destructive activities like stealing these pheasants they really don’t help anybody and don’t really help any animals. The people who committed this crime should be prosecuted.
            But is this terrorism? To think so is Big Crazy. As a spokesman for ALF, Dr. Jerry Vlasak, said, “Terrorism is thrown around a lot these days. It’s disrespectful to the victims of Boston or New York. Terrorism is flying planes into buildings, not setting animals free.”

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